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The mystery of ageless beauty is now being revealed. EmmGerri, pronounced “EM-juh-REE,” is a skincare product like no other. Its name is as intriguing as the women who inspire it.

Emma, the “Emm” in EmmGerri, was a soft-spoken, wise woman with a clear complexion and beautiful skin down to the soles of her feet. She instilled the importance of proper moisturizing in her daughter Geraldine, known as Gerri to her family and friends.

For more than two decades, Gerri has taken her mother’s teachings a step further by creating batches of lotion on her stove and bottling it up as gifts for others to enjoy. Gerri’s lotion, EmmGerri, quickly became recognized for its long-lasting, moisturizing ability. Now, Gerri and her daughters want to share this gift with you.

The goal of EmmGerri is to help your skin reach its brightest and most radiant potential – a legacy that will continue for generations to come. EmmGerri allows both men and women to share in the joys of healthy, glowing skin. Our desire is to enhance the beauty that lies within.

So discover for yourself the mystery of ageless beauty that is EmmGerri.